Elizabeth Hudson


Liz was born in the West Midlands and moved with her family to Moray in 2018.

After 7 years’ experience in the civil service and hospitality management, she went on to study Writing at Dartington College of Arts in Devon, which was internationally reputed for its innovative approaches to arts education. Her time there inspired her to pursue a career in instructional and learning experience design and she went on to study digital education through the University of Edinburgh.

For over 14 years, Liz has worked across a range of education and training contexts, but particularly adult and higher education, including Wolverhampton University, British Gymnastics, Coventry University, and also four years leading the design and development of online and blended learning at UHI.

Since moving to Moray, she also founded a business to support aspiring and early-career digital learning designers and provides a range of learning and development services for individuals and organisations.

Liz holds Senior Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology (SCMALT) and is involved in a range of initiatives to support professionals in her field. She is playing a key role in the development of a new apprenticeship standard and provision for Digital Learning Designers in England.

Liz is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA). She is also a first-generation graduate and passionately believes in the power of education and learning communities as a driver of equality and positive societal and global change.

Declaration of Interests