Our Tenants
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)
The Demonstration and Simulation Environment (DSE) is located in Room AGBC210 at the Alexander Graham Bell Centre for Digital Health. This cutting-edge facility has been established by DHI* to serve as a valuable resource for the Moray community.
Our mission within this space is to embark on a journey that explores the limitless potential of digital health and care innovation. As a pivotal component of the Rural Centre of Excellence project, a significant initiative under the Moray Growth Deal (funded by the UK Government), the DSE is poised to play a key role in shaping the future of healthcare in Moray.
*The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) is one of Scotland’s seven innovation centres. It is a national resource, funded by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council, and has its head office within the Glasgow City Innovation District.
It is a world-leading collaboration between The Glasgow School of Art and The University of Strathclyde, with a focus on innovating in digital health and care to help the people of Scotland live longer, healthier lives while providing sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS)
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is your career service. The SDS Moray advisers deliver many of their services for the public from UHI Moray. Anyone can get free help from an SDS adviser. You can meet them here at UHI Moray, or at an agreed location across Moray, just call 01343 344006 for an appointment.
What can SDS help with?
SDS advisers are experts in helping people develop plans for their future careers and learning. They can:
- help you understand what you like, what you’re good at, and what’s out there for you
- help you make a plan to find and keep a job
- help find additional courses if you need more help with your skills or learning
- work with you to agree the best ways to build your CV
- support you with applications for jobs, apprenticeships, college, and university courses
- talk to you about what makes a difference when writing a cover letter for a job, or about preparing for job or course interviews.
What about online help?
You can visit SDS’s career information and advice website, My World of Work. It has lots of tools to help you understand what your skills and abilities are. It also has lots of information about different jobs, apprenticeships, college, university, and training courses. It has tools and articles to help you every step of the way.
Whatever you want to do, the information on My World of Work can help you choose the right path to get there. Go to myworldofwork.co.uk to find out more and get started.
How to get in touch with an SDS adviser
You can speak to an SDS adviser by calling 01343 344006. You can also speak to an adviser at an SDS centre or another place near you.
There is also a freephone SDS helpline number - 0800 917 8000. It’s open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm