Modern Apprenticeships


Modern Apprenticeships are part of the growing apprenticeship family funded through Skills Development Scotland (SDS) which includes the Foundation Apprenticeship programme.


Meet the Team

MA Handbook


Benefits for your business content

Benefits for your business

Benefits for your business

Modern Apprenticeships are ideal for your business no matter what size and stage in development. The programme offers you the opportunity to invest in Morays young people by providing them the opportunity to train towards a nationally recognised qualification while working as one of your employees. For your business the programme ensures that you can have highly qualified and skilled staff to ensure business competitiveness, growth and sustainability.

Benefits include:

  • Trained workforce tailored to employers’ needs
  • Improved quality
  • Investment in your organisation’s future
  • Motivated staff
Your Apprentice content

Your Apprentice

Your Apprentice

The Modern Apprenticeship initiative offers young people the chance to work towards a recognised Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) with further opportunities for higher level study with the introduction of Graduate Apprenticeships. Scottish Vocational Qualifications were developed in consultation with industry and are designed to create a high-calibre workforce.

Moray College UHI operates a highly successful MA programme in partnership with SDS, we offer a range of frameworks across many sectors. We can support you from the outset, providing information about the programme, advice on how best to advertise for an apprentice and help you to advertise your vacancy across our networks.

Once you have recruited your apprentice, we will work with you to develop the MA training plan in consultation with the apprentice developed around your business needs. Throughout the duration of the apprenticeship, which can be anything from 12 months – 4 years (depending on the framework) we will support you and your apprentices throughout the whole process.

Who is eligible? content

Who is eligible?

Who is eligible?

All 16 - 19 year olds are eligible provided they are in employment. Funding may also be available for ages 20 - 24 and 25+ in certain sectors.

What Modern Apprenticeships do we offer? content

What Modern Apprenticeships do we offer?

What Modern Apprenticeships do we offer?

Click on the MA or SVQ text for more information:

Course title and level Can be studied as
Bricklaying (SCQF Level 6) MA
Business and Administration (SCQF Level 5) MA
Carpentry and Joinery (SCQF Level 6) MA
Electrical Installation (SCQF Level 6) MA
Engineering – Asset Lifecycle and Maintenance (SCQF Level 7) MA (Further information to come)
Engineering (Manufacturing and Fabrication) (SCQF Level 7) MA (Further information to come)
Food and Drink Operations: Production and Processing Skills (SCQF level 5) MA
Hairdressing (SCQF Level 5) MA
Healthcare Support - Clinical (SCQF Level 7) MA or SVQ
Heavy Vehicle Maintenance & Repair (SCQF Level 7) MA
Horticulture (SCQF Level 5) MA
Light Vehicle Maintenance and Repair (SCQF Level 7) MA
Plumbing (SCQF Level 6) MA
Social Services - Children and Young People (SCQF Level 6) SVQ
Social Services - Children and Young People (SCQF Level 7) SVQ
Social Services & Healthcare (SCQF Level 6) MA or SVQ
Social Services & Healthcare (SCQF Level 7) MA or SVQ
Social Services and Healthcare (SCQF Level 9) SVQ
Spirit Operations (SCQF Level 6) MA
Contact us content

Contact us

For further information on these courses, please contact: