How It Works
Our aim is to ensure young people have access to work-relevant educational experience to enable them to make informed and ambitious choices about the career route that’s right for them.
Senior pupils can pick a college subject alongside their school studies. These courses count as one of your school column choices in S4, S5, and S6 and can be added into your existing school timetable. The senior phase courses normally run on a Wednesday 9.30-2.15pm and aim to get you back to school for your last period. Some of our Foundation Apprenticeship and SCQF Level 7 courses day and times may vary. Please check specific course content for timings.
There is no cost to pupils and your school will provide transport.
How to apply
How to apply
Once you’ve decided on a course and discussed it with your Guidance Teacher, you need to submit your application online via the link on the relevant course page.
Applications open 8th January 2025.
Please submit your application by 7th March 2025. Late applications will be reviewed after the first interviews take place. Note some of the courses have limited spaces.
Help with your personal statement and tips for your interview.
Schools programme explained
Schools programme explained
These courses count as one of your school column choices in S4, S5, and S6 and can be added into your existing school timetable.
- Some courses have specific entry requirements. Entry to all other courses will be based on your application form and/or interview.
- Before applying for SCQF Level 6 and 7 courses please check with your school to ensure you have the relevant qualifications.
- Once you have submitted your application your guidance teacher will be automatically sent a link to complete a reference. It could include circumstance that have/could affect your academic work, such as personal problem, illness or any individual needs you may have.
- Interviews are held for College places, and it is important that you make the most of the opportunity. There are less places available than applications so make sure that your personal statement is clear and that you have completed all of the information requested.
- Senior Phase courses normally run on Wednesdays, check the course content for times and mode of delivery.
- SCQF Level 6 and 7 courses may involve attendance at college, online study, web based study and/or video conferencing.
- You don't need to wear uniform on the days you attend College as you are classed as a College student.
- However, we do report absence to schools and tracking reports are completed by your lecturers - just the same as at school!
- Your school will provide transport to ensure you get to college for your start time and return to school after. There is no cost to pupils.
- Your College course is SQA certificated and if you pass, will appear on your SQA Certificate along with your Nationals, Highers and Advanced Highers.
Qualifications explained
Qualifications explained
The SQA is the public body responsible for accrediting educational awards in Scotland. The table below shows the levels and credit points for SQA units, courses and group awards.
See The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework below:
Information for Parents
Information for Parents
The School College Senior Phase Programme can help your child with the transition from School to the World of Work or College/University before they are ready to leave school.
Our aim is to ensure young people have access to work-relevant educational experience to enable them to make informed and ambitious choices about the career route that’s right for them.
Contact us
Contact us
If you are a pupil or parent and would like more information about the Senior Phase Programme contact:
School Liaison
Tel: 01343 576000
If you are a pupil, parent or employer and would like more information about Foundation Apprenticeships contact:
Shona Kellock
Foundation Apprenticeship Coordinator
Tel: 01343 576430
If you are a Guidance Teacher/Agency/SDS/Parent and would like to arrange a visit to the college please click on the button below to complete our request form: