Interview guide
Get yourself organised content
On the day content
At the interview content
Interview questions content
After the interview content
Once you have made the decision to apply for a course, you may need to attend an interview.
The more prepared you are, the more comfortable you will feel on the day. Don’t worry, we know that you may be nervous. This handy guide should help you to feel more at ease.
Get yourself organised
Get yourself organised
- UHI Moray has three campuses in Elgin (Moray Street, Linkwood Technology Centre and the Biblical Garden), make sure you read the invite so you know which campus your interview is being held at, and then work out how long it will take you to get there. Check bus and train schedules.
- It is important that you make a good impression at your interview. You should remember simple things like a pen or pencil! If you are asked to bring gym kit (if you are applying for a Sports course for example) – don’t forget to bring your kit – first impressions count.
- Do some investigation into the subject that you intend to study – if you want to become an Engineer, think about what field of engineering you want to work in – Mechanical/Electronic – the more information that you can gather, the better prepared you will be for your future.
- Think about what questions you would like to ask about the course. Ask your teachers, parents, friends, children to help you prepare by asking you the interview questions. Our lecturers will try to make you feel at ease.
- It may not seem to be very important, but think about what you will wear to your interview. We don’t expect you to come dressed in a suit, but we do expect you to have thought about it. Back to those first impressions!
On the day
On the day
- Make sure you give yourself enough time to arrive, preferably at least 10 minutes early. This will give you time before you start to gather your thoughts and freshen up. If you are going to be late try to call us as soon as possible on 01343 576000.
The interview serves a dual purpose:
- It assists the lecturers to assess that the course is right for you.
- It gives you the opportunity to find out more about UHI Moray and the course, and ensure it is right for you.
- If we feel during our conversation with you that this is perhaps not the course for you, we will have that discussion with you and arrange for you to meet with the Student Services team to match your application to the right course for you.
At the interview
At the interview
- Always treat your interviewer with courtesy and manners. Try to make eye contact, it shows you’re listening. If more than one person is interviewing you, make sure you are looking at the person asking that question.
- The interviewer will want you to talk about yourself, your career ideas, your interests and hobbies, what you are doing currently e.g. school subjects, current employment, past employment or work experience.
- Listen to the interview questions carefully. If you don’t understand a question, ask for it to be repeated.
- Try to avoid yes and no answers – give as much information as you can.
- Act naturally, don’t exaggerate, answer questions honestly and frankly, but do make sure the interviewer is aware of your strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the interview thank the interviewer for their time.
Interview questions
Interview questions
Here are the interview questions that everyone who applies to UHI Moray will be asked. You could get some help from friends or family to help prepare your answers.
- Tell me why you are applying for this particular course?
- Tell me about your education to date and any employment experience?
- Tell me about any aptitude, skills or experiences you have relevant to the course?
You may also be asked a further question which is course specific, so make sure that you follow the advice given above and do some researching before you arrive.
After the interview
After the interview
- You will be informed in writing of the outcome of your interview by the beginning of May - whether you are being offered a place on a course or not.
- Successful applicants will receive an Offer of Place letter and details regarding funding.
- Please let us know within 7 days of receipt if you are taking or not taking up the place offered to you. If you have made the decision not to take up the place we can then offer it to someone else.
- Students who accept their conditional offer of place will be required to achieve the conditions prior to additional information being sent out.
- Students who accept their unconditional offer of place will then be sent information regarding Kickstart, information on how to access pre-start information on Brightspace (Virtual Learning Environment), other opportunities to seek support, your induction details and induction timetable 30 days prior to your course start date.