Moray Game Jam: The Waffle Crew

At Moray Game Jam this year we loved getting to know The Waffle Crew. We caught up with UHI Moray students (and team members) Lily and Kirsten to get the low down on their experiences as we prepare for registration opening.

Hello to you both, this was your first year competing at Moray Game Jam, how did you find out about the event?

Our lecturer Andrew French (Creative and Digital Media) told our class about it at college.

How did you find the experience?

Kirsten: For someone who hadn’t been to a game jam before, my experience at the Game Jam was very positive. The atmosphere didn’t feel too competitive or stressful for me at all. The judges were really nice towards me and my teammates, and the staff were informative and made sure that all the competitors were comfortable as well as being supportive if we had any questions.

Lily: Very fun, I enjoyed getting to be surrounded by lots of other creative people who had a passion for making games. I loved that we got our own space and we had lots of room to test, play and design our board game

Of course, you won the Board Game People's Choice Award, was that your favourite part of the weekend?

Kirsten: My favourite part of the Game Jam was definitely the theme. I liked how open ended it was and all the different possibilities that the board game could be based on.

Lily: I really liked the creative part of me and my teammates painting and designing our board. It was fun to be able to all work together to create something so unique to other people’s which is what we were intending.

The gaming playground was also very rewarding, we had lots of kids come to play our game and they were all enjoying it so much. It felt nice that all our hard work was being appreciated.

The date reveal for 2025 is coming soon, what advice would you have for anyone thinking of taking part?

Kirsten: I would say to just go for it, it’s a rewarding experience. If you are competing for the first time like I was, I would recommend entering with a few of your friends or family.

Lily: Just go for it, everyone is very kind and welcoming! I am a very shy person and was very scared at first but all of the staff, judges and every other team were all so nice to me and my teammates.

Taking place over 48 hours Moray Game Jam brings together gaming enthusiasts from across the country, industry leaders and educators for 48-hours of creativity, collaboration, and fun where teams compete to create a video or board game based on a specific theme.