Social Enterprise Events - Dates for your diary!
Some key dates for your diary.
Friday 29th May, 10am - 12pm, tsiMORAY, 30 High Street, Elgin: Social Enterprise Opportunities within the Tourism Sector - A call to any organisations currently delivering or thinking about developing a service to tap into the tourism market in Moray. The Next Step - how can we help? Come along to an Open Space Meeting where you set the agenda and we discuss what is important to you. Let tsiMORAY know how we can help to support your organisation within the tourism sector. Full support has been offered from Cameron Taylor ( at Moray Speyside Tourism and Sarah from Senscot ( if and when needed. Booking if possible please
Thursday 4th June, Get Started in Social Enterprise, tsiMORAY, 30 High Street, Elgin. 2 opportunities: AM workshop: 9:30 - 12:30 and PM workshop: 1:30 - 4:30.
Thinking about setting up a social enterprise, just getting started or could use a bit of support with your social enterprise? Drop in and access social enterprise growth and development support. Open Space Meetings to allow you to network, share and connect with others on the same journey and discuss what is most important to you. Items open for discussion include: choosing the right legal structure, good governance and what that means, idea development, creation of a purpose document, business planning, leadership training and support, social accounting/monitoring and evaluation, marketing and promotion and taking the plunge to get started! Further information and intent to attend to
Friday 5th June, Social Enterprise Market Place, St Giles, 10pm - 4pm
We will be running our market place and celebrating our volunteers at the same time! A wee problem being, we need to source tables and chairs. Do you have any leads, any community halls or venues you would recommend? We need to hire 22 tables and 50 chairs. Booking for pitches now being taken (pending us sourcing tables and chairs as Elgin Town Hall and community centre can't help) Confirmation of market and further information by Friday 22nd May. Get your pitch booked, first come, first served! Book now to