Engineering students volunteer for Lighthouse project
As part of their SQA Volunteer Module Moray College UHI, Engineering Department, Level 6 students came to the rescue of the Covesea Skerries Lighthouse. Students were asked to take on the task of cleaning and painting the weather beaten Lighthouse. In response over 20 enthusiastic students came forward and volunteered to work during their days off, over several weeks students worked in teams to wash and prepare the lower walls and then painted all accessible areas.
The Lighthouse was designed by the renowned Stevenson family and was completed by 1846 on behalf of the Northern Lighthouse Board. In the late 20th century it became fully automated and the original lighting system was removed, it is now on display at the Lossiemouth Fisheries Museum. In 1971, it was given protection as an A-Listed Building. Modern navigational aids made the lighthouse redundant and it was put up for sale and is now owned by the Community of Lossiemouth.
Well done to everyone including Graham Kilpatrick, Engineering Lecturer and the Lighthouse Company who are leading the project. This is a brilliant example of how our students gain useful qualifications whilst helping the local community.
Here’s a pic of our students hard at work on a beautiful sunny day!
Look out for a mention in the Northern Scot.