KICKSTART Summer School this June
KICKSTART is a FREE course aimed at students who are looking to brush up on their skills or are returning to education. It is a great way to increase your confidence before you start your course with us.
“This course should be made compulsory!”
If you’ve been out of the academic environment for a while or just feel you need a bit of extra help with your reading, writing or number skills before starting a course we’d be happy to discuss your individual learning needs.
For those who are looking to brush up their skills or are returning to learning, our Kickstart course is an ideal way for you to grow in confidence before starting with us. Kickstart is free, runs in the week of the 13th and 20th June. Participants receive 4 workshops covering core areas such as time management, learning styles, note-taking, writing styles, spelling, punctuation and grammar and how to write an essay.
Over the past few years this is what students have said about Kickstart:
"It helped my confidence and took the fear out of coming to college"
"It was good to know what style of writing is required in individual courses - and have a go"
"I was able to brush up on my spelling and grammar – something I was worried about"
"Learned how to organise my time and work more effectively"
"Not to go head first into pieces of work, but to totally plan and organise first"
"I really enjoyed discussing things with the group"
"I realised that I know a lot more than I give myself credit for. I learned that I had a certain way of learning and my listening skills are quite good"
"Interacting with different people has been good for my confidence"