BLOG: Joely, NQ Hospitality: Gold Student

Hospitality student, Joely, has big goals for her future and is well on her way with the support of our Hospitality and Tourism Academy! We had a chat with Joely to find out more about her journey.

Hello, Joely! Let’s start with a bit about you?

Hi, I’m Joely Beal. I’m 18 years old and a full-time student at the Hospitality and Tourism Academy within Moray College UHI. I’m currently studying the NQ Hospitality: Gold (SCQF Level 6) course.

Have you always had an interest in the Hospitality industry?

I knew I wanted to do something in hospitality however, I was not sure what sector. After my first year at college trying different paths, I knew I was best suited and loved the kitchen the most.

Why did you choose Moray?

Moray College UHI was my first choice as it offered the course I wanted and was also my local college. I applied for this course because from looking at the course content I knew I would get to experience lots of different areas of hospitality, and it was a natural progression from the SCQF Level 5 which I studied last year.

How was the transition from SCQF Level 5 to Level 6?

The transition was smooth even with not being in college for some of the year due to Covid-19.

What is it like being part of the Hospitality and Tourism Academy (HATA)?

I have found it amazing. We are all working together in the kitchen, restaurant and even online so it feels like a real team which makes asking for advice and support easy and natural.

What skills do you feel are important to work in Hospitality?

Confidence, organisation, time keeping and teamwork I think are the main ones that I have been working on as these tie together everyone working in a kitchen for the same goal.

Are there any skills you developed through your studies that surprised you?

I have learnt how important listening is and not just to what we are being told but through our surroundings as its one of the senses you need in a kitchen. This has helped me a lot at work too as the kitchens are busy and you cannot really focus on one thing, so you need to be aware of everything going on around you. This is also because there are so many factors when it comes to keeping everyone from employees to customers safe.

Have you undertaken any placements whilst studying?

I did a placement at The Mosset Tavern which I was then able to get a proper job out of! Also, we do lots of field trips (Covid permitting!) which has shown how staff work with each other and with customers, getting to see good and bad examples.

Where would you like to go with your career in the future?

I love the hospitality industry as you can travel a lot within it which is one of the reasons I picked it. I would love to do chalet hosting for a season in France and then move onto fine dining restaurants and working my way up in the kitchen ranks. I would love to end up in France with my own restaurant someday! I have big goals for my future to make a name for myself in the hospitality world.

What have you learned about yourself over the past year?

Although I can’t wait to spend time going out with my friends again I have learnt I like my own company and I can entertain my household very well! In college I have learnt how my confidence helps me in every aspect of the course and future career.

If you could invite any 3 people to dinner, who would it be and why?

Harry Styles - I was obsessed with One Direction and now he has his two solo albums and an acting career, I would do anything to have him at a dinner!

Nicolas Cage - When I was younger my parents and I watched all his films so he was a big part of my childhood. He also has a very interesting and fun life story.

Rihanna - She is such a big part of the music industry and I feel like she would have hundreds of stories to tell.

What are the highlights of studying at Moray College UHI?

I enjoy the experience of going to different events and I honestly think even just working in the Beechtree Restaurant is one of my favourites too.

What advice would you give to anyone thinking of studying?

Study something you love. Look into courses and see if it is something you would enjoy.

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