Preparations begin for our annual Christmas Fayre

Its getting festive in our Skills For Life (SFL) classrooms as they prepare for our annual SFL Christmas Fayre and Coffee Morning

Our Skills for Life students are running their annual Coffee Morning and Christmas Fayre on Wednesday 11th December. Anyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a scone and hot drink while supporting a worthwhile cause. The coffee morning runs from 10am – 11.30am while the Christmas Fayre runs from 10am – 1pm.

The students themselves organise and run the fayre with many of them creating hand made and bespoke Christmas ornaments/ crafts ideals for that special gift. There is also a Raffle with many prizes is generously donated to by local businesses, staff and students families. Students also make and serve the refreshments.

This is one of the highlights of the calendar and the monies raised will go towards their annual residential trip to Badaguish.

The Skills for Life programmes are supported learning programmes providing a pathway for schoolchildren and young adults towards independent living. The suite of provision includes

  • Day link – students attend 1 day per week over 1 year and acts as a transition course between school and introduction to college.
  • Life Skills – full time programme for young adults leading to a SCQF level 1 qualification. Progression is normally into a day service provision and/or supported employment.
  • Towards Independence – full time programme for young adults leading to a SCQF level 2 college certificate. Progression can be to a higher level college programme or day service provision and/or supported employment.
  • Preparing for Work – full time programme for young adults leading to an SCQF level 3/4 college certificate. Progression can be to a higher level college programme and employment or supported employment.

‘the annual Coffee morning and Christmas Fayre is a great way for the students to develop confidence and a wide range of life skills particularly dealing with the public, customer service  and handling money. Many if not all of the students are placed outwith their comfort zone during this event and its great to see their positive developments afterwards’ Anne Rodda, Curriculum Team Lead