What is Just Transition?


Scotland was among the first governments to declare a climate emergency in April 2019 and subsequently increased the legislative ambition to reach zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2045 and 75% reduction by 2030.

Reaching these targets will require a transformation across the economy and society. This transformation will provide opportunities for the development of new, quality green jobs, embedding green and circular skills, increasing access to growing global green markets for Scottish businesses, stimulating regional growth and providing enhanced access to nature and the environment. However, there is a risk that some people and places could be left behind, unless steps are taken to mitigate this.

The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring a ‘Just Transition’ which means working together to involve people in decision making about the move to net zero, and ensuring everyone can access the benefits whilst being protected from the risks.

Developing a skilled, flexible, and adaptable workforce will be central to a successful transition. This will enable people to access the job opportunities that will be created through the investment needed for a net zero economy including in renewable energy, retrofitting buildings, enhancing our environment and the promotion and embedding of the circular economy.

As the main provider of further and higher education in Moray, UHI Moray is uniquely positioned to equip people with the skills, education and retraining required to support retention and creation of access to green, fair and high-value work. The UHI Moray Just Transition Project is funded by the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Fund – a £500 million, 10-year fund to accelerate the energy transition in the North-East of Scotland and establish the region as a world-leader in the transition to a net zero economy. The project will be led by 3 Research Fellows – Dr Christine Anderson, Dr Kerry McInnes and Dr Desislava Todorova.

The principal aim of the UHI Moray Just Transition project is to understand the implications of the shift to Net Zero on the employment, skills and infrastructure requirements of the region over the next 10 – 15 years. This will enable UHI Moray to support the region’s transition to Net Zero through a focused programme of infrastructure development, training, skills development and education.

This will be delivered in partnership with industry, local government and the third sector through 4 main work packages.

  • A review of the full range of knowledge and skills required to support Moray’s shift towards Net Zero and the green economy.
  • A review of the curriculum and training requirements that will support training, retraining and education of the established and emerging workforce.
  • A review of the training and educational infrastructure required to support the delivery of curriculum and to provide industry-ready learning environments.
  • A review of the enterprise pathways, training and development that will translate those skills into new business ventures that support the growth and resilience of the emerging green economy in Moray.