Disruption to UHI exams due to inclement weather
Running exams
Wherever possible exams will run as scheduled. If a change of venue is required due to Health & Safety issues you will be notified as soon as possible.
Difficulties attending due to transport and other issues
If you are unable to attend for your exam as a result of disruption caused by the weather you must either notify the exams officer or the UHI Exams Centre - examinations.centre.moray@uhi.ac.uk - as soon as you are aware you will be unable to attend.
Building closure
It may be necessary for some exam venues to close due to Health & Safety issues. You will be notified of this decision by your local exams officer (or similar). There is no need to notify the Exams Centre under these circumstances as this will be done by your local exams staff.
Rescheduling of the exam
The aim is to reschedule the exam as soon as possible. This will be dependent on the number of students required to sit, although where practicable the intention would be to hold the exam the month after the main exam diet.
You will be notified of the date as soon as it has been agreed.