
Who to contact when you need advice.

General enquiries

Student Services, t: 01343 576265 or e:

Student finance (EMA, FE Bursaries, Childcare and Hardship Funding for students)

Louise Proctor, Student Finance Officer, t: 01343 576218 or e:

Kay Grant, Student Funding Advisor, t: 01343 576328 or e:

Finance (payment of Course Fee invoices, Fee instalment payments enquiries, Nursery and other payments)

Jean Hutchison, Assistant Finance Officer, t: 01343 576418 or e:

You can make payment using the secure payment portal. Please remember to use your student number / Account Number as a reference so that any payment you do make will be allocated to your account. 

Careers and guidance

Nicole Hyslop, Head of Support Services, t: 01343 576456 or e:

Schools provision

Emma Innes, t: 01343 576000 or e: