Who is My Student Voice Rep?


Having a Student Voice Rep is an amazing, but what do you do if you don’t know who your rep is?

I forgot who the rep is

Sometimes your course will be going really well, and then when you do need your rep, you forgot who was elected! It happens to the best of us, and you can find out your class rep through your lecturer or by contacting the local HISA Moray team.

My class doesn't have a rep

Occasionally classes won't have a rep because their rep left, or it’s the start of the year and you haven’t elected one yet. We still really want to hear your feedback, and so you can email HISA or reach out to us on social media. Alternatively, you can make a huge difference by becoming a rep yourself!

My rep is away on placement/off sick. Who can I talk to?

If your rep is absent from classes, the local HISA team are happy to help and ready to take your feedback. We can make sure this is passed on and will get any changes back to your class as soon as possible.