Modern Apprenticeship Business Breakfast

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Alexander Graham Bell Centre
UHI Moray
Moray Street
IV30 1JJ

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Business Breakfast

Whether you are an employer who

  • already has been or are currently involved with the Modern Apprenticeship (MA) programme
  • used to employ MAs but haven’t for a while
  • is just wanting to find more about the programme with a view to taking on an apprentice at some point in the future

then this event is for you.

This event will focus on the Modern Apprenticeship programme and cover the benefits of the MA to your business and workforce.

We are delighted to welcome existing apprentices and their employers to the event to talk about their experiences and answer all of your questions related to how the MA programme has benefited both the apprentice and the employer.

The employers attending with their apprentices include:

  • Andersons Care Home (Health and Social Care MA)
  • Chivas Brothers (Spirit Operations MA)
  • Associated Seafoods (Engineering MA)
  • AJ Engineering (Engineering MA)

So come along and find out how you can invest in or continue to invest in the future of skills development in Moray.


8am – 8.30am: Breakfast rolls and networking

8.30am – 9.00am: Presentations

  • Welcome – David Patterson, Principal and Chief Executive, UHI Moray
  • Overview of the Modern Apprenticeship programme – Jacqui Taylor, Head of Marketing and External Relations, UHI Moray
  • Developing the Young Workforce, Moray – Sarah Barnes, Programme Manager, Developing the Young Workforce Moray Regional Group
  • Skills Development Scotland – Nina Crocombe, Team Leader (Moray & Highland)

9.00am – 9.45am: Round table discussions with the Modern Apprentices and their employers.

9.45am: Close and next steps.


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