Meet our First Aid Trainers: Mike and Claire

Say hello to the friendly faces of our First Aid training provision who deliver bespoke and FAIB approved courses.

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UHI Moray First Aid Trainers; Mike Innes and Claire McLauchlan

Hello you two! Can you start by telling us a bit about your professional backgrounds?

Mike: As an ex-paramedic I have extensive experience in emergency care.

Claire: I have worked in care for over 20 years, in particular with individuals with challenging behaviour and complex needs for the last 15 years. I was also a childminder for 5 years while my son was younger working with children aged between 6 months to 12 years old.

How about outside of work, what do you enjoy doing?

Mike: I spend time with family and enjoy being outdoors, walking and mountain/trail biking. I also play guitar and sing.

Claire: I love attending Comic Cons! I also spend time with my family and watch Friends or The Office (US).

Why did you decide to become First Aid Trainers?

Mike: Having an extensive background in emergency pre-hospital care coupled with training experience it seemed natural to share that experience and training.

Claire: I have experience in providing training in behaviour support and it's something that I had a passion in; supporting others in how to support individuals better.

What kind of First Aid training do you offer?

Mike: We train a groups or individuals who work in a variety of industries, for example health care, childcare, military, sports instruction, integrative therapies such as soft tissue therapy, construction, forestry. Claire and I will prepare training material that is tailored to individuals and group needs.

Claire: First Aid Responders are legally required in many workplaces, but it's also a really important life skill to have. That's why we deliver both work specific training such as First Aid at Work, but also Childcare First Aid that can be undertaken by parents, guardians or grandparents.

What is the best thing about our First Aid courses?

Mike: Meeting people and hearing individuals’ stories. People sharing experiences, students learning from other student’s experiences.

Claire: The witty banter while learning valuable information to treat someone in an emergency. I learn something new every time I deliver a training session!

What do you feel you bring to your First Aid training sessions?

Mike: Communication and enthusiasm. Bringing abstract concepts to life, giving every day concrete, practical examples from my experience.

Claire: A passion for the topic being delivered.

What do you hope is the main takeaway someone will get from your training sessions?

Mike: The confidence to act, to step forward, to help someone. And of course a nationally recognised qualification required by law for employers.

Claire: Being confident to help someone in an emergency.

Let's finish up with a couple of fun questions! What is the best advice you have ever received?

Mike: Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus said: "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters" and "Many things are not in our control, but we always have the power to choose how we react to events."

Claire: Treat others how you would want to be treated.

And finally... If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

Mike: I’d like the power of Staying Calm.

Claire: Flying – so I can see more of the world.

Our First Aid Trainers are committed to delivering sessions that are tailored to your needs, whether you require industry specific training, onsite training, evening training, or simply need to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

We offer affordable costs covering all of Moray, Inverness and Aberdeenshire.

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