Hospitality Student of the Year 2013
James McInally HNC Professional Cookery has been awarded the Hospitality Student of the Year 2013.
James is currently working at the 5 star 3 Chimney’ Restaurant on Skye. He started at Moray College UHI in 2010 on the SVQ level 2 in Professional Cookery. He went on to complete the level 3 and HNC in professional Cookery in June 2013.
James then started work at the 3 Chimney’s Restaurant in Skye as a Commis Chef and has now been there for 3 months. He has always enjoyed cooking and used to love experimenting with new techniques and flavours. James is from Forres and was educated at the Queen Victoria School in Dunblane.
During his time at College James undertook work experience at the Boath House Hotel in Nairn and he believes this helped him to gain his employment at the 3 Chimney’s. His maim ambition is to work as a pastry chef in America.
James attributes much of his success to the college staff – ‘all the lecturers were really good to work with and the college provided a really encouraging environment in which to learn’
Craig Wilson one of James’ lecturers ‘James progress was fantastic and he exceeded all expectations including his own , overall a brilliant student and we are very proud to see him go onto work in a 5 star Restaurant’
James will be presented with his award at the College Graduation on the 10th October at Elgin Town Hall.
For information about the 3 Chimneys go to: The Three Chrimneys website