Update on Moray's Money
The Student involved in Moray’s Money in the development of a short course to support fellow students and others make wise money choices are looking for your help.
UPDATE ON MORAY'S MONEY The team have developed a questionnaire aimed at capturing a snapshot of people’s attitudes towards money, so that they can better understand what should be featured in the money management course. They are also inviting people to contact them with their experiences on money management and local services good or bad to further inform the course. An Open day is planned for the 5th March 2013 to showcase the work of the group. Banks will be invited to attend so that students can find out more about their services. The team would really appreciate people downloading the questionnaire by copying and pasting the link below which will take you to survey monkey or collecting – then returning – a paper copy from reception. Please email completed electronic forms directly to Joyce.Cartwright@moray.uhi.ac.uk. Thank you for your help. www.surveymonkey.com/s/QJKB8GC