Class Reps present Principal of Moray College UHI.
It was a great honour and surprise to Mike that the class reps marked his forthcoming departure with a presentation [even it it means they had to present Mike with a Hibs tie!!]. A special thanks also to all the class reps for their hard work this year.
The class reps wanted to honour Mike for all his hard work he has done since becoming the Principal. Jan Breen, class rep for Hairdressing said a few apologies for posting the complete speech..
Good afternoon everyone. Firstly, I have really enjoyed being class rep for level 3 Hairdressing 2012 - 2013. I have enjoyed attending the meetings and been very pleased to see some of the suggestions I have put forward start to happen. It has shown me the benefits of being class rep and feeling good for helping make a difference for fellow students. It also lets me see that things do happen, if the suggestions are realistic and beneficial to us.
I would also like to say I am very honoured to have been asked make this presentation to you today.
On behalf of the hairdressing department and all of the students and staff of Moray College, I would like to let you know it has been a pleasure attending and working here under the supervision of such a remarkable person.
I have attended a few Big Breakfast meetings myself and was made to feel very welcome when I joined the college. It has been a wonderful and fulfilling experience for me.
We all know that you have done some wonderful things while here at Moray College, and are pleased to have been a part of it while it has been in such good hands.
Graduation is a Very Special day for us all. But, there is another thing that sticks in my mind of that day. I recall you walking around the Beech tree Restaurant, congratulating people on their achievements. Your personality shone that day, and here, you proved that you really care for the students.
Throughout your time here you have created a wonderful atmosphere. Your staff will miss you terribly, of that I am sure. So I would like to take this opportunity to present you with a gift from us all.
To say thank you, for all your hard work and determination to make Moray College what it is today. And also to wish you all the very best for the future.
Mike was presented with the standard tankard, ale to represent the areas within UHI and the best of all a Hibs Tie which I am sure Mike will treasure.